Behind BeePower is the excellent service and reliability that our customers have experienced from our Turbinenshop for more than 10 years.
Since years, the idea in us has sprouted to not only trade model- and industrial turbines, but also develop and establish our own turbine product family in the market. In the past year, we successively pursued this idea and developed our own turbine product family. The launch of the BP250 is successfully accomplished and further, larger turbines will be added to our portfolio throughout the current year.
The design and development of the BeePower turbines is carried out by a professional model- and industrial turbine manufacturer who is well known for its numerous turbine designs, which are still in series production and on the market for several decades.
The design and manufacturing is 100% Made in Germany. The in-house production share of the components used for final assembly is around 90%. This means there is no dependency on long supply chains, and short-term implementation of customer-specific adjustments is possible.
The production is based on the latest machining and according to the current technology standards.
The advantages of BeePower: